Some instruments I've built or worked on

No sound yet, just graphics.

Most of these instruments I've put together under the tutleage of Mr. Fank Naessen, a self-taught builder who lives near Turtle Lake, WI. He has made many fine instruments, including several ornate mandolins. Much of the wood he uses comes from Timeless Timbers, a lumber operation that salvages timber from the bottom of Lake Superior. This is virgin timber that sank 100 years ago, and has been wonderfully preserved due to the depth and low temperature of the water. Most of his other lumber he harvests and mills himself.

My work doesn't begin to compare yet to Frank's. But like Frank says, "Good enough for who it's for."

For those interested, these instruments have all been finished with Tru-oil, a hand-rubbed linseed finished originally designed for gun-stocks. I like it because it highlights the natural patterns in the wood. I am not a particular fan of the glassy nitro-cellulose finish on most new guitars.

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